Dirges are still songs!

It really does seem like we are going to a funeral. At a funeral, you see the people that you know well, people you love, and people you only see infrequently. We would have all of our kids with us: Josiah, Kaylin, and Quincy. The ones we love. There might be people at other tables who we’ve seen before only in the restaurant. Or, maybe even those we know from the community or work. They are also there to celebrate the past and mourn the loss for the future. We would see some for the last time. At a funeral there is the loss of something that was before. Certainly, that was the case; our place, where Sam tended bar, Norm occupied his normal stool, Cliff was welcomed by name, and Carla brought the food.  Everything has an end.

Shonda and I are people who love God and do our best to follow Jesus. So, when we go to a funeral the sadness is sometimes softened when we had seen the fruit of a Christian life in the person who died. We know we will see them again in heaven. We know their “life” from here on out will be unburdened by the terrible things that happen on Earth. While there is no exact equivalent in the closing of Home 231, we hope very much that we have been an example for how people should treat each other, what marriage can be like if you sacrifice yourself to the other person, and even what parenting can be like. We also hope very much we will see you elsewhere. We hope the workers from Home 231 will find good work and live good lives. We are headed in for brunch, happy funeral!


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